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1000 Miniature Meadows (Image 1) .jpg

1000 Miniature Meadows




A part writing project, part sound project and part nationwide planting project, this fizzy triptych will begin with a letter sent to you at home. You will be invited to step into your garden, the park by your work or that tiny triangle of green next to the supermarket and to listen to what it has to say.  


This is an ambitious attempt to invade our outdoor spaces and to expand conversations surrounding Ireland’s biodiversity crisis. Expect an intimate soundscape, expert interviews and a conversation with a bumblebee.  


Proceeds from ticket sales will go towards the planting of 1,000 indigenous Irish trees in 2021. 




Created by: Shanna May Breen & Luke Casserly

Sound Design: Brendan Farrell

Produced by: Carla Rogers

Artistic Documentation: Fergal Styles

A co-commission from Dublin Fringe Festival and Science Gallery Dublin. Developed at FRINGE LAB with the support of Dublin Fringe Festival. Kindly supported by An Post.


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